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Writer's picturedanielaolopes124

At Home Preschool Play Bucket

Practicing fine motor skills and introducing letters and numbers.

Letter magnets = $10 on Amazon

Tongs = $1 at Ikea

Pasta shells = $2 at supermarket

If you are looking for ideas to do at home with your toddler this was a hit! My 2 year old daughter absolutely loved it and so did I because I was able to entertain her while doing things around the house. The best part. She was LEARNING!

I would pop in and ask her to find a certain letter or number which kept her prompted to keep playing. This at home rainy day activity is a current favorite because not only does this expose my toddler to letters and numbers, but she can also practice her fine motor skills by picking out the object using her kitchen tool. We already had the tong from her Ikea kitchen set so I pulled that out and dumped some pasta in a pan. I picked a couple letters out from her magnet set, then asked her to find "x". I continued with this activity the next morning and switched it up by sorting the numbers and letters by color. We would find all the red letters and then all the green numbers and put them aside in a pile.

Disclaimer: She did dump the pasta on the floor at least once or twice. I then set the expectation and said if it falls out we put it back in the pan and she did it! :)

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